Hello Yang Gang!
I know it’s been a while, but I thought I would revive the original spirit of this little project called Yang Gang Wisdom with a new survey. I was inspired by a survey sent out by the official campaign asking how they should spend some of the $10 million they recently raised in a fundraising bonanza. As this idea swirled around, more content showed up in the same vein like this video from Kai Watson — an enthusiastic young YouYuber — talking about Yang’s money strategy, which is not to spend the money (because he’s Asian 🤣).
Then I saw Kayrosis ask on twitter if anyone would financially support her for going full Yang Gang? This leads me to ask all of you — dear Yang Gang — what if some of the money raised by the campaign was given back to the Yang Gang to promote the campaign in our own communities, in our own way? Like a Yang Gang grant program or a Freedom Dividend with one question asked: “how would this money help grow the Yang Gang?” What would you do if you were given $1000 a month just to help grow support for Andrew Yang? Let us know in this short four question survey:
NEW SURVEY: https://forms.gle/EGc6wi4xxptiz5KTA
If the response is good and it looks like seeding some money in the Yang Gang to go off and grow the campaign organically is a better idea than buying Facebook ads then I will try my best to get your answers to the official campaign. Ideally, this money sparks amazing ideas and projects reaching people in crucial swing or early primary states in ways the official campaign may have never considered. The risks and costs are low, but the payoff could be immense.
Twitter Polls
I have also created a twitter poll for more responses so please participate and share these too! Google forms are great for longer quality answers and nuance, but twitter polls seem better for quantity of responses.
What did you think about separating the survey and results from the newsletter? The response for the weekly newsletter and survey has been great, but creating new surveys and analyzing results every week isn’t practical for one person to do alone. If you’re interesting in helping out with new surveys and analysis, please let me know by simply replying to this email. Looking forward to hearing from you! General feedback is also very much appreciated – just hit reply!
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Yang Gang Coin
Check out my other project at yanggangcoin.com. It’s a reward token built just for the Yang Gang. It’s free, it’s easy, and will prove your Yang Gang street cred forever.